We are very excited to announce that we will be developing more sonic work soon in Coimbra [PT]! We are very grateful for Casa da Esquina's invitation, and to be part of their list of artists at residency. Follow us for more info!
It took me two long years of committed work and on-site studies to deliver this work! It was a demanding job, due to the novelty of the Soundscape theme in the scientific community and the endeavor in crossing two different methodologies from two different fields of study. The result is an acoustic evaluation of the main Natural area in my hometown - Choupal. Towards an assessement of human impact in the soundscape of Natural areas: Comparison study of ISO 12913 and Soundscape Ecology methodologies on the analysis of Mata do Choupal (Coimbra) is a contributive interdisciplinary study with an ecological stem, that investigates two methodologies' practices. It suggests a possible cross-pollination approach which integrates both [scientific and artistic] fields as a complementary narrative on the development of soundscape assessements on Natural/Wilderness areas.
Montemor-o-Novo StartUP will be TerraSom's new home for this next year. I am quite happy to announce that we team up with this business incubator and join their innovative projects's roster in Montemor-o-Novo. You can follow our latest updates and project's developement @ TerraSom
CURVA A: the A-weighting Curve is an adjustment applied to acoustic measurements that best reflects the sound perceived by the human ear.
It is quite exciting to return to the artistic spectrum, specially in such good company. On this occasion, with artist Joao Vasco Paiva to develop a sound piece entitled Fantasma IC581, which will be showcasing at Joao's exhibition 3/4 during Cidade Pre0cupada Festival in Casa Branca. An event powered by Oficinas do Convento. Please make sure you don't miss it!
No seguimento da investigação acústica com terra e fibras naturais, o Terra Som cresceu e conta agora com a parceria do atelier de arquitectura CRU e da Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Coimbra. Com o apoio das Oficinas do Convento, organizamos um evento onde realizaremos o protótipo de componentes acústicos em terra e fibras naturais no Laboratório da Terra do Telheiro da Encosta do Castelo. Inscrições e mais informações através do e-mail LC.soundspace@gmail.com
I am delighted to announce that Magallanes_ICC [INTERREG] will be funding TerraSom's kickstart. With Oficinas do Convento and arteria_lab [based in Évora's University ] support I will develop a dedicated research of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements for acoustic efficiency.
I am a guest lecturer at Audire'22 Conference. Alongside amazing works and researchers, I will be introducing my investigation - Towards an assessement of human impact in the soundscape of Natural areas. In this Conference's programme you will find renowned keynote speakers, such as Brandon LaBelle [founder of Errant Bodies Press and The Listenning Biennial] and Raquel Castro [researcher, filmmaker and founder of Lisboa Soa Festival and International Symposium Invisible Places].
The SonuScape project features this year's EAEA Conference alongside the internationally renowned keynote speakers Gjis Rikken [MVRDV], Sophia Psarra [UCL] and Don Carson [The Hettema Group]. It will also be part of the EAEA15's publication as a conference paper entitled Sonuscape: architecture as a medium for sound on the topic Narrative and Representation.
Field Kitchen Academy art residency created a listening room, which has a series of recordings that act as an audio catalogue and a log book of the residency curated under the title of Silence with the Consent of Sound.
To each participant and working session leaders was assigned a particular day to make a 90 seconds of recording. Contributions include names such as Peter Cusack, Juliana Hodkinson, Emma Howes, Robert Lippok and Juhani Pallasmaa. Please do have a listen!
Curated by Ece Pazarbasi and mixed by Sam Friedland
Yesterday the Portuguese artists came to the streets to express their unrest. This pandemic crisis came to reveal in a dantesc way the precarious and fragile outlines and conditions this sector has been living under. Long time has passed now, a change must happen. It needs to be re-structure, re-build and re-thought. I join portuguese artists cause with willingness for this change.
The second episode of Zona is dedicated to the Portuguese sonic scene, gathering few recent examples of their productions. To be listen, not just heard!
Sound Artist Luke Dobbin and I are thrilled to announced that Sound F | F was shortlisted for COCA 2020 first phase selection.
Zona will start its journey with its first broadcast streamig from Spettro in the North of Italy [at Villa Recordings basement]. Alongside the Re-Agir online artist Platform, this streaming is part of the action on reacting to the latest consequences by Covid-19 virus. The platform aims to gather artists from all around the world to Re-Act with their art as a response to this pandemic state. Please have a read to the Manifesto.
In this difficult pandemic season we are facing now, it has been quite difficult for us to keep focus. I can say that fortunately I was blessed to spent my 14 days quarantine with an amazing software engineer + web developer that orchestrated this website to whom I will be grateful forever - Pedro Ferreira.
This website kept us quite busy and I can say that finally I was able to learn new skills for future endeavours on the web world. Please do go and explore it!